Conference attendance
- 20th International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements SCTE 2016, 11-15.04.2016, Saragossa, Spain
- O. Pavlosiuk, P. Wiśniewski, D. Kaczorowski, „Putative topological superconductors RTBi (R = Y, Lu, Ho; T = Pd, Pt): electrical transport and thermodynamic properties", lecture
- XIII Internatonal Conference on Crystal Chemistry of Intermetallic Compounds, 25-29.09.2016, Lviv, Ukraine
- O. Pavlosiuk, D. Kaczorowski, P. Wiśniewski, „Electronic and thermodynamic properties of plausible topological superconductors: YPtBi, LuPtBi, HoPdBi, ErPdBi and LuPdBi", lecture
- C-MAC Days 2016, 21-24.11.2016, Bratysława, Slovakia
- O. Pavlosiuk, D. Kaczorowski, P. Wiśniewski, "Electronic and thermodynamic properties of rare earth-based half-Heusler compounds", lecture
- 8th International Workshop on Advanced Materials Science and Nanotechnology, 8-12.11.2016, Ha Long, Vietnam
- D. Kaczorowski, "Rare-earth based half-Heusler phases: from thermoelectrics to topological insulators", invited lecture
- I Konferencja Doktorantów PAN, 23-25.06.2017, Falenty near Warsaw, Poland
- Physics of Magnetism 2017 (PM’17), 26-30.06.2017, Poznań, Poland
- K. Synoradzki, K. Ciesielski, D. Kaczorowski, "Magnetocaloric effect in antiferromagnetic half-Heusler alloy DyNiSb", poster
- O. Pavlosiuk, M. Kleinert, D. Kaczorowski, P. Wiśniewski, "Antiferromagnetic order in the half-Heusler phase TbPdBi", poster
- M. Kleinert, O. Pavlosiuk, P. Swatek, D. Kaczorowski, P. Wiśniewski, "Giant magnetoresistance and Shubnikov–de Haas effect in LuSb", poster
- P. Wiśniewski, "Rare-earth based half-Heusler phases and monopnictides - magnetotransport, superconductivity and antiferromagnetism", invited lecture
- K. Synoradzki, K. Ciesielski, D. Kaczorowski, "Magnetocaloric effect in antiferromagnetic half-Heusler alloy DyNiSb", poster
- Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES 2017), 17-21.07.2017, Prague, Czech Republic
- O. Pavlosiuk, M. Kleinert, P. Swatek, D. Kaczorowski, P. Wiśniewski, "Giant magnetoresistance and quantum oscillations in YSb and LuSb", poster
- K. Synoradzki, K. Ciesielski, L. Kępiński, D. Kaczorowski, "Thermoelectric properties of (DyNiSn)1-x(DyNiSb)x composite", poster
- O. Pavlosiuk, X. Fabreges, A. Gukasov, M. Meven, D. Kaczorowski, P. Wiśniewski, "Magnetic structures of REPdBi half-Heusler bismuthides (RE = Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er), poster
- C-MAC Euroschool 2017, 10-15.09.2017, Split, Croatia
- 15th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ECT2017), 25-27.09.2017, Padua, Italy
- K. Synoradzki, K. Ciesielski, L. Kępiński, D. Kaczorowski, "Effect of secondary LuNiSn phase on thermoelectric properties of half-Heusler alloy LuNiSb", poster
- K. Ciesielski, K. Synoradzki, I. Wolańska, P. Stuglik, D. Kaczorowski, "High-temperature thermoelectric properties of half-Heusler phases Er1-xHoxNiSb", poster
- XVIII Krajowa Konferencja Nadprzewodnictwa, 8-13.10.2017, Krynica Morska, Poland
- P. Wiśniewski, "Superconductivity in rare-earth-bearing half-Heusler bismuthides RPdBi, including antiferromagnets (R = Dy, Ho, Er)", invited lecture
- C-MAC Days 2017, 20-23.11.2017, Athens, Greece
- P. Wiśniewski, O. Pavlosiuk, D. Kaczorowski, "Superconductivity in rare‐earth‐bearing half‐Heusler bismuthides REMEBi (RE = Y, Lu, Dy, Ho, Er; ME = Pt, Pd)", lecture
- K. Ciesielski, D. Gnida, D. Kaczorowski, "Thermoelectric properties and peculiarities of electron transport in half‐Heusler phases LuNiSb, LuPdSb, ErPdSb, YPdSb, GdPtSb", lecture
- 4th International Symposium on Advanced Magnetic Materials and Applications (ISAMMA), 10-13.12.2017, Phu Quoc, Vietnam
- D. Kaczorowski, "Rare-earth based half-Heusler phases as thermoelectric and magnetocaloric materials", lecture
- The 21st International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements (SCTE’18), 25-29.03.2018, Vienna, Austria
- P. Wiśniewski, O. Pavlosiuk, M. Kleinert, P. Swatek, D. Kaczorowski, "Magnetoransport in rare-earth-based half-Heusler phases and monopnictides - non-trivial topology, superconductivity, antiferromagnetism and extreme magnetoresistance", lecture
- O. Pavlosiuk, D. Kaczorowski, P. Wiśniewski, „Planar Hall Effect and Chiral Anomaly in Half-Heusler Antiferromagnet DyPdBi”, lecture
- M. Kleinert, O. Pavlosiuk, D. Kaczorowski, P. Wiśniewski, „Physical properties of half-Heusler lanthanide antimonides”, poster
- Międzyuczelniana Konferencja Zaawansowane Materiały i Nanotechnologia, 19-20.05.2018, Wrocław,Poland
- C-MAC Euroschool 2018, 25-29.06.2018, Kraków, Poland
- K. Ciesielski, K. Synoradzki, I. Veremchuk, H. Głowiński, F. Stobiecki, D. Kaczorowski, "Thermoelectric properties of half-Heusler phases LnNiSb, Ln = Er, Lu, synthesized by spark plasma sintering", poster
- K. Synoradzki, K. Ciesielski, D. Kaczorowski, "Thermoelectric properties of half-Heusler based composites (TmNiSb)1-x(TmNiSn)x", poster
- 37th International and 16th European Conference on Thermoelectrics (ECT2018), 01-05.07.2018, Caen, France
- K. Synoradzki, K. Ciesielski, I. Veremchuk, P. Skokowski, D. Szymański, L. Kępiński, Yu. Grin, D. Kaczorowski, "High-temperature thermoelectric properties of the half-Heusler phase ScNiSb", poster
- K. Ciesielski, K. Synoradzki, P. Obstarczyk, I. Wolańska, , D. Szymański, P. Głuchiowski, D. Kaczorowski, "High-pressure high-temperature (HPHT) synthesis and thermoelectric properties of half-Heusler antimonide TmNiSb", poster
- 3rd International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism in Selected Systems (StoCP2018), 16-21.09.2018, Zakopane, Poland
- D. Kaczorowski, "Dirac states in superconducting Pd-Bi binaries", lecture
- P. Wiśniewski, O. Pavlosiuk, D. Kaczorowski, "Superconductivity of RETEBi half-Heusler phases (RE= Y, Lu, Dy, Ho, Er;TE= Pd, Pt)", lecture
- HERCULES Regional School, 05-09.11.2018, Kraków, Poland
- K. Ciesielski, K. Synoradzki, P. Obstarczyk, W. Żuraw, D. Szymański, P. Głuchowski, D. Kaczorowski, "Microstructure and thermoelectric properties of rareearth bearing half-Heusler compounds", poster
- ECMatAC Days 2018, 03-05.12.2018, Poznań, Poland
- O. Pavlosiuk, D. Kaczorowski, P. Wiśniewski, "Planar Hall effect as a sign of chiral magnetic anomaly in half-Heusler phases DyPdBi and ScPtBi", lecture
- K. Synoradzki, D. Kaczorowski, "Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of TmNiSn", lecture
- XIII Wrocławskie Studenckie Sympozjum Chemiczne, 17-18.11.2018, Wrocław, Poland
- I. Wolańska, K. Synoradzki, K. Ciesielski, K. Załęski, D. Kaczorowski, „Właściwości termoelektryczne faz Heuslera Sc1-xTmxNiSb”, lecture
- Ogólnopolska Fizyczno - Optyczna Konferencja FOKA 2018, 15-16.12.2018, Wrocław, Poland
- I. Wolańska, K. Synoradzki, K. Ciesielski, K. Załęski, D. Kaczorowski, "Analiza faz Heuslera Sc1-xTmxNiSb metodą SEM/EDS", poster
- APS March Meeting, 4-8.03.2019, Boston, USA
- K. Ishihara, T. Takenaka, T. Miao, Y. Mizukami, O. Pavlosiuk, P. Wiśniewski, D. Kaczorowski, T. Shibauchi, "Low-energy quasiparticle excitations in half-Heusler superconductors with j = 3/2 fermions", lecture
- 3rd German-Polish Conf. on Crystal Growth, 17-21.03.2019, Poznań, Poland
- D.Kaczorowski, "Single crystal growth and electronic transport properties of topological semimetals", invited lecture
- V Ogólnopolska Konferencja Interdyscyplinarna „Eureka”, 29-30.04.2019, Krzyżowa
- P. Fałat, O. Pavlosiuk, D. Kaczorowski, "Własności transportu elektronowego potencjalnego semimetalu topologicznego TbPtBi", lecture
- International Thermoelectric Workshop on New materials for direct conversion of heat into electricity, 8-9.05.2019, Kraków, Poland
- I. Wolańska, K. Synoradzki, K. Ciesielski, K. Załęski, P. Skokowski, D. Kaczorowski, "Thermoelectric properties of half-Heusler solid solution Sc1-xTmxNiSb synthesized by high-pressure-high-temperature method", poster
- K. Ciesielski, K. Synoradzki, I. Veremchuk, P. Skokowski, Yu. Grin, D. Kaczorowski, "Thermoelectric properties of f-electron half-Heusler TmNiSb", poster
- LIV Zakopane School of Physics Breaking Frontiers: Submicron Structures in Physics and Biology, 21-25.05.2019, Zakopane, Poland
- D. Kaczorowski, "Topological semimetals", invited lecture
- Letnie Warsztaty Naukowe „Niskie Łąki 2019”, 4.07.2019, Wrocław, Poland
- P. Wiśniewski, „Izolatory topologiczne: dlaczego się nimi interesujemy i jak możemy je badać”, lecture
- 24th Soft Magnetic Materials Conference, 04-07.09.2019, Poznań, Poland
- K. Synoradzki, D. Kaczorowski, "Magnetic properties of ErNiSb half-Heusler phase", poster
- International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi: Advances in Thermoelectricity: Foundational Issues, Materials, and Nanotechnology” 15-19.07.2019, Varenna, Italy
- K. Ciesielski, "Half-Heusler compound TmNiSb synthesized by high pressure high temperature (HPHT) method", lecture
- 45 Zjazd Fizyków Polskich, Kraków, 13-18.09.2019, Kraków, Poland
- P. Wiśniewski, O. Pavlosiuk, D. Kaczorowski, "Half-Heusler topological phases and high multiplet, p-wave pairing superconductors", invited lecture
- D. Kaczorowski, "W przededniu rewolucji topotronicznej", invited lecture
- Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES 2019), 23-28.09.2019, Okayama, Japan
- O. Pavlosiuk, P. Wiśniewski, D. Kaczorowski, "Magnetotransport Properties of Plausible Topological Semimetal HoPtBi", poster
- Workshop on Topology, Strongly Correlated Electron Systems and Complex Structures, 03.12.2019, Dresden, Germany
- P. Wiśniewski, O. Pavlosiuk, D. Kaczorowski, "Half-Heusler topological phases, likely high-multiplet, p-wave pairing superconductors", invited lecture
- IV Ogólnopolska Studencka Fizyczno-Optyczna Konferencja FOKA 2019, 07-08.12.2019, Wrocław, Poland
- P. Wiśniewski, "Materiały topologiczne. Dlaczego się nimi interesujemy i jak możemy je badać", invited lecture
- Virtual Conference on Thermoelectrics 2020, 21-23.07.2020, Milan, Italy (virtual conference)
- K. Ciesielski, I. Wolańska, K. Synoradzki, I. Veremchuk, H. Borrmann, P. Skokowski, D. Szymański, Yu. Grin, D. Kaczorowski, "Remarkable n-type thermoelectric performance in heavy-band half-Heusler phase ScNiSb", lecture
- PhoBiA Annual Nanophotonics International Conference “PANIC”, 12-14.10.2020, Wrocław, Poland (virtual conference)
- P. Fałat, O. Pavlosiuk, D. Kaczorowski, P. Wiśniewski, "Electronic transport properties of topological semimetal candidates HoPtBi and TbPtBi", lecture
- ECMetAC Days 2020, 7-10.12.2020, Split, Croatia (virtual conference)
- K. Ciesielski, I. Wolańska, K. Synoradzki, I. Veremchuk, H. Borrmann, P. Skokowski, D. Szymański, Yu. Grin, D. Kaczorowski, "Enhanced thermoelectric performance in n-type regime for half-Heusler phase ScNiSb", lecture
- Physics of Magnetism 2021 (PM'21), 28.06-2.07.2021, Poznań, Poland (virtual conference)
- D. Kaczorowski, "On the hunt for topological superconductors", invited lecture
- International Conference on Strongly Correlated Electron System, 24-29.07.2022, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- O. Pavlosiuk, P. Fałat, P. Wiśniewski, D. Kaczorowski, "Magnetotransport properties of half-Heusler antiferromagnets SmPtBi and DyPtBi", poster
- ECMatAC Days 2022, 21-24.11.2022, Split, Croatia
- S. Dan, O. Pavlosiuk, K. Singh, P. Wiśniewski, D. Kaczorowski, "Electrical trasnport in half-Heusler compound TmPdSb", lecture
- Focused Expert Meeting on Interfacing Magnetism and Superconductivity with Topological Matter, 17-18.01.2023, Warsaw, Poland
- D. Kaczorowski, "On the hunt for topological superconductors: high-spin superconductivity", invited lecture
- Physics of Magnetism 2023 (PM'23), 26.06-30.06.2023, Poznań, Poland
- O. Pavlosiuk, P. Wiśniewski, R. Grasset, M. Konczykowski, D. Kaczorowski, "Effect of electron irradiation on the magnetotransport properties of half-Heusler topological semimetal GdPtBi", lecture
- S. Dan, A. Ptok, O. Pavlosiuk, K. Singh, P. Wiśniewski, D. Kaczorowski, "Insulating State in Topological Half Heusler compound TmPdSb", poster
- Strongly Correlated Electron Systems (SCES 2023), 2-7.07.2023, Incheon, Korea
- S. Dan, A. Ptok, O. Pavlosiuk, K. Singh, P. Wiśniewski, D. Kaczorowski, "Strong topological insulator state in half-Heusler compound TmPdSb", lecture
- S. Dan, A. Ptok, O. Pavlosiuk, K. Singh, P. Wiśniewski, D. Kaczorowski, "Strong topological insulator state in half-Heusler compound TmPdSb", lecture
- Zjazd Fizyków Polskich, 1-7.09.2023, Gdańsk, Poland
- D. Kaczorowski, "Nadprzewodnictwo topologiczne", invited lecture
- D. Kaczorowski, "Nadprzewodnictwo topologiczne", invited lecture
- XV Internatonal Conference on Crystal Chemistry of Intermetallic Compounds, 25-27.09.2023, Lwów, Ukraine (virtual conference)
- D. Kaczorowski, "High-spin superconductivity", invited lecture
- O. Pavlosiuk, P. Wiśniewski, R. Grasset, M. Konczykowski, D. Kaczorowski, "Tuning the magnetotransport properties in half-Heusler topological semimetal GdPtBi", lecture
- 24th International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements (SCTE 2024), 17-21.06.2024, Praga, Czech Republic
- O. Pavlosiuk, P. Wiśniewski, D. Kaczorowski, "Unusual magnetotransport in half-Heusler topological materialsi", invited lecture
- S. Chatterjee, A. Agarwal, O. Pavlosiuk, P. Wiśniewski, D. Kaczorowski, "Anomalous Hall effect and chiral anomaly in antiferromagnetic DyPtSb", poster
- International Conference on Magnetism (ICM), 30.06-5.07.2024, Bologna, Italy
- O. Pavlosiuk, P. Wiśniewski, D. Kaczorowski, "Unusual magnetotransport properties of half-Heusler compound SmPtBi", poster
- S. Dan, O. Pavlosiuk, P. Wiśniewski, D. Kaczorowski, "Anomalous anisotropic magnetoresistance in half-Heusler compound YbPtSb", poster
- XXI Krajowa Konferencja Nadprzewodnictwa, 22-26.09.2024, Kraków, Poland
- J. Całka, R. Kurleto, M. Rosmus, T. Romanova, D. Kaczorowski, P. Starowicz, "Electronic structure of PrBi, a candidate for a strongly correlated Dirac semimetal", poster
- J. Całka, R. Kurleto, M. Rosmus, T. Romanova, D. Kaczorowski, P. Starowicz, "Electronic structure of PrBi, a candidate for a strongly correlated Dirac semimetal", poster
- 13th AONSA Neutron School, 24-28.11.2024 Mumbai, India
- A. Agarwal, P. Wiśniewski, D. Kaczorowski, "Multiple metamagnetic jumps, crystalline electric field effect and high-spin anisotropy in distorted kagome lattice TbPtSn", poster